Sunday, November 20, 2011

too much chocolate cake.

We had dinner with some friends tonight and I brought one of my favorite super-easy desserts! Every time I bring this cake somewhere, it gets great reviews.

I would like to say this is an old family recipe or that it's a big secret, but it's not. Not at all. But it tastes like it is :)

It's called Too Much Chocolate Cake. You seriously mix all the ingredients together and then stir in the choco chips. How easy is that?

The other good thing about this recipe is that you can mix it up. I've used different flavors of the cake mix and pudding. For this version, I was hoping for a cookies and cream taste. I used vanilla pudding and crushed up Oreos. DELISH.
And I also threw in some white chocolate chips for color.

I had a vanilla glaze in the pantry to top them off. And I sprinkled the rest of the Oreos on top.

 Make this cake. You won't regret it.

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