Thursday, November 10, 2011

candy chicken... 10 times better.

So... I figured out to do with the candy chicken... and it turned out SO yummy.

I decided to make chicken noodle soup! It's starting to get downright chilly here in Virginia and it's a good time for comfort food. I followed this recipe almost exactly and it was amazing.

First things first, I started to boil some chicken stock with some onions, carrots, and celery thrown in. While I was waiting for that, I rinsed off the candy chicken. I wanted to get all of that nasty brown sugar/Sprite taste OFF of it. I patted it dry and when the stock began to boil, I threw it in to the pot. I then added the noodles and some Old Bay seasoning.

How easy is that? The noodles cooked in the stock and so did the veggies. I used frozen due to convenience. I turned it to low, covered it up, and it simmered away for about twenty minutes. AJ came home from work just as the timer went off. Then I mixed cornstarch and water (see recipe for amounts) together and then slowly mixed it into the hot soup. It gave the soup a really nice consistency.

I ladled some into bowls for us, chopped up some parsley for the top and sprinkled some more Old Bay on. Maybe Old Bay seems like a weird choice... but it added such a nice flavor... a  little smoky. YUM.

Here's the finished product! Two angles because

And it took maybe 35 minutes all together... and that was mostly cooking time. Not really any hands-on time at all.
Chicken noodle soup with a soda on the side... haha :) If you don't get that, watch this video if you want to waste four minutes of your life.

I am in the process of starting 'Book Clubs' for my students... and am SO excited. This one is tonight's project:

"Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you." Always gives me chills.

And I'll leave you with this glamour shot of the kitten who ate all the spaghetti squash seeds and is trying to make up for it:

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