Sunday, November 13, 2011

priorities... and all things Nutella.

Teaching requires a lot of mental energy... and a lot of time, in my little experience. I am working on budgeting my time and forming priorities. My job is a job... and I love it but it is not my first priority.

This weekend, I was forced to focus on other things. We had a Date Night for our young married group at church last night, so we were at church from 12:30-9:30 PM getting ready for that. It was so worth it, because it was amazing. So proud of my hubs for planning it all.

After Date Night, we went to some friends and played a board game called Quelf, which was hilarious to say the least. We are definitely going to buy it. The bad thing was: the game lasted two hours and we walked out the door of their house after midnight. Worth it? Yes.

Needless to say: we didn't get that much sleep last night, which translates to me being a space cadet all day. We brought some snacks to church today for our ABF... I pulled those pumpkin muffins out of the freezer, made a quick Nutella glaze, dipped them in, and went out the door. So easy... and they were yummy!

I have these cute little dragees to put on the top:
Very cute.

This evening, after a birthday party with friends and the required Sunday afternoon nap, I sat down to get my schoolwork done. In the past three days, I've re-read From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and read Dollhouse Murders for the first time. So excited to have fifth grade 'Book Clubs'. So I finished getting that stuff together and began planning our week.

And then, in a fit of procrastination, I found this delectable creation. Obviously, I had to make it. Two ingredients, people. Two ingredients:

Put two tablespoons of nutella in a sauce pan, add a cup of milk, and whisk until frothy. Delish. And obviously, I had to use my milk frother to top it off:

After I had my hot chocolate and had planned most of the week, I had a craving for Nacho Popcorn. I started making Nacho Popcorn in high school with my darling sister and little brother... we would mix the taco seasoning with butter and then pour it on. And then top it with cheese. Not very healthy... at all. And, the popcorn (as delish as it was) would get soggy quickly. So... I figured out a new way to make it that is much better:

Cook the popcorn in the microwave normally and then sprinkle about a teaspoon or two of taco seasoning on top. Mix it up and it's good to go. So easy... and oh so yummy. The best part is: it saves really well so I'm going to take the rest to work tomorrow for snack ;)

Also, I would just like to say again that my husband is amazing... I am so blessed. Today, he took me to Starbucks after church because I was so tired and we used a gift card to get a cup of coffee. I spilled some on my shoe when I tried to sip it and realized it was hot. DUH. (Impatience.) Without any hesitation, he grabbed some napkins, got on his knees, and started to clean my shoe. So sweet.
Love you, AJ.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Becky! I enjoy reading your blog from time to time. :) I do LWW with my fourth graders in January, but I won't repeat From the Mixed Up Files this year. I did that in literature circles last year, and it ended up being way over their heads with vocab. Just as a heads up :) Sounds like you are busy, but doing well! -- Heather
