Tuesday, November 15, 2011

the best potatoes ever.. fo reals.

I am not the kind of person who finds a recipe and only makes that recipe. I ALWAYS want to try something else and make it better. Not so with oven-roasted potatoes. I have a go-to recipe... I don't want to change anything... they are SO good.

The recipe was found here. Have you caught on that I get a lot of my recipes from allrecipes.com? So awesome. I love to read the reviews and change things up based on what other people have said.

Today, I am making these potatoes to go with chicken and Brussels sprouts. These are my husband's favorite potatoes and his favorite vegetable is Brussels sprouts... I'm kind of trying to make up for how mean of a lady I can be ;)

Anyways- I took pictures of the potatoes and the process... and then my blackberry deleted EVERY one of my pictures... about 400. Ticked me off.

So here's an after picture: so crispy on the outside but soft and delicious on the inside. Make them for your family; show them you love them :)

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