Friday, January 27, 2012

Brussels Sprouts

My husband has three vegetables that he REALLY loves: Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and spinach... so we eat a lot of them. I love a lot of vegetables... not really picky.

I have fallen in love with roasted Brussels sprouts... and they're very easy to prepare! This is the recipe I have used so far... with some tweaks.

First,  preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash the sprouts and then cut off the rough stem ends and tear off any yellow leaves. Put the cleaned-up sprouts in a ziploc bag. Pour in some olive oil and then salt and pepper them. Close the bag (VERY important) and then shake. shake. shake. Sometimes I also add some parmesan cheese. Yum!

Put them on a foil-lined baking sheet and roast for 35-40 minutes. Here's the catch: you have to shake them every five (or so) minutes so they get evenly browned. It's worth it :)

Enjoy! :)

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