Monday, October 31, 2011

too good to be true?

A few weeks ago, I had a crazy craving for peanut butter cookies (no mom, not pregnant). So, I perused some of my favorite food bloggers for a good recipe. I should add that AJ (hubby) and I are competing in a 'biggest loser' competition and are trying to eat healthy.

Well, I found a healthy peanut butter cookies recipe. It was too good to be true. It was disgusting. It tasted like peanut butter, raisins, and vanilla stirred together...  because that's what the recipe called for. TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. Needless to say, we made some unhealthy but oh, so good real peanut butter cookies.

So... when a friend of mine told me to replace regular pasta with spaghetti squash, I remembered those PB cookies. TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. I love pasta... More than most people. How could a vegetable taste like pasta?

Fast forward: today, as I walked through the aisles of our trusty neighborhood grocery store, I saw a spaghetti squash and had to get it. They're not cheap... but I guess nothing truly healthy usually is.

Here's what happened:

 just returned from the store :o)

I boiled it in a big pasta pot (appropriate?) for about 25 minutes. Then I sliced it in half and this is what it looked like. I scooped out all of the middle part (mostly seeds).

It shred SO easily with a fork. I had to stick one section back in the microwave (in a big bowl with a bit of water and then I covered with plastic wrap) for a minute.

I served it with sweet Italian sausage after tossing the 'pasta' with garlic, parmesan cheese, sea salt, and butter. AJ loved it and has been busy researching the nutritional benefits of switching forever :)

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